Remember This Rainbow Day

by Rev. Tyler Sit

In response to The United Methodist Church, my denomination, lifting its ban on gay ordination

Remember this rainbow day.

Look around, and see how LGBTQ+ people found a way to look out for each other.

Feel the energy crackling across your skin, let it sink into your memory.

Because LGBTQ+ children of God, and the allies God sent to protect us,
are embodiments of resurrection.

When they put us into the tomb that is the closet, the Creator rolled away the stone and said, “Come out when you’re ready.”

When they kicked us out of our jobs and our houses and our churches, Jesus said, “You now get to choose your own family.”

When they sharpened the word “queer” and pierced us again and again with it, the Holy Spirit took that word and said, “I have turned this blade into a key to your freedom.”

Remember this rainbow day, because God is a God who makes promises
and keeps them.

And we know by tomorrow those scared preachers will find a new way to ban us, to erase us, to defile sacred ground.

But now we have this memory in our bones. Another, and another, and another rainbow day where God shows us five minutes that make five decades of resisting worth it.

God made a promise to Noah that the floods would not overwhelm him;

The floods will not overwhelm us, either.

You cannot drown a rainbow